

时间:2022-01-09 16:31:48 英语 我要投稿
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  1.在一般句型中,do(does,did)常用来强调谓语动词的语气,在句中要重读,且需符合下列两个条件:1句子是肯定句;2句子中的谓语动词是一般现在时或一般过去时。此时的do可译为“真的”、“果真”、“的确”、“确实”等。例如: You do look nice today.你今天看起来真的很漂亮。Jack said he would come and he did come.杰克说他要来,他果真来了。

  2.在祈使句中,do表强意的请求,而不是命令,有时它可以使邀请对方的心意更加客气、热情、友好,而且亲切,此时的do可译为“务”、“务必”等。例如:Please do sit down.务请坐下。Do be careful!请务必小心谨慎! Do tell me all about it.I'll keep it a dead secret.请告诉我吧,我一定严守秘密。


  1.形容词good置于名词或形容词之前,可以起到强调作用,在不同的句子中可译为:“足足”、“整整”、“狠狠地”、“相当”、“很”等。例如:It'll take you a good four hours to get there.到达那里足足需要你四个小时。His father gave him a good beating.他父亲狠狠地揍了他一顿。I covered a good hundred miles that day.那天我整整走了一百英里。

  除good之外,cool,solid,clear等词也可以用来表强调。例如:His father earns a cool thousand dollars a month.他父亲每月能挣足足一千美元。 She has been waiting for her husband a solid hour.她等她丈夫等了整整一个小时。 The snake measures ten clear feet long.蛇足有十英尺长。

  2.形容词good和and结合起来,构成good and …表强调,程度副词作状语,相当于very,thoroughly,completely等,强调and之后的形容词或副词。例如: These apples are good and ripe.这些苹果完全熟透了。He drove good and fast.他开车相当快。When it was good and dark,he left his home。当天完全黑了时,他离开了家。

  除good之外,形容词nice,fine,sweet,rare,lovely等词也可以与and连用表强调。例如:The building stands nice and high.这座建筑挺高。The child was rare and hungry.这孩子饿得慌。It was lovely and cool there.那儿非常凉爽。

  (三)very表强调 very常用在the,this,that或物主代词my,his ,our,your之后,加强名词的语意,意为“正是”、“就是”、“仅仅”、“甚至”等。例如:You are the very man I'm looking for.你正是我要找的人。At this very moment the telephone rang.就在这个时候电话铃响了。He knows our very thoughts.他甚至了解我们内心深处的思想。The fault is your very own.这完全是你自己的错。

  (四)only表强调 only常置于单数名词之前,以加强名词的语意,意为“唯一的”、“仅有的”、“最合适的”、“无与伦比的”等。例如:This is the only book of its kind in the world.这本书是世界上仅有的一本。 Mr Brown is the only person able to do it.布朗先生是唯一能胜任的人。She is the only woman for the position.她是那个职位的最佳人选。



  (一)it强调句 it强调句结构为:“It is (was)+被强调的部分+that(who/whom)+句子的其它成分”,这种强调句除了不能强调谓语动词外,其它句子成分,如主语、宾语、宾语补足语、状语等都可以强调。例如:Anne had a severe heart attack last night.安妮昨晚得了严重的心脏病。此句可以用三个强调句分别强调主语、宾语和状语。It was Anne that had a severe heart attack last night.正是安妮昨晚得了严重的心脏病。(强调主语) It was a severe heart attack that Anne had last night.安妮昨晚得的是严重的心脏病。(强调宾语)It was last night that Anne had a severe heart attack.就是在昨晚安妮得了严重的心脏病。(强调状语) 又如:It is Chairman of the committee that they elected him.他们选举他担任的是这个委员会的主席。(强调宾补) It was because she was ill that she didn't go to school yesterday.正是因为她病了,她昨天才没去上学。(强调原因状语从句)


  1.如果被强调的主语或宾语是人时,可用that也可用who。例如:It is a policeman who (that) my son wants to be.我儿子想当的就是警察。

  2.如果被强调的是人称代词,该人称代词可以用主格,也可以用宾格。非正式文体中多用宾格。例如:It is he(him)that is to blame.该受责备的是他。

  3.如果原句中含有not…until,转变成强调句时,其结构为:It is(was)not until…that…。例如:I didn't get your letter until yesterday.→It wasn't until yesterday that I got your letter.直到昨天我才收到你的来信。

  4.如果原句是一般疑问句,其强调结构为:Is(Was) it…that…;如果原句是特殊疑问句,其强调结构为:特殊疑问词+is (was)it that…。例如:Was it at eight o'clock that you began to work?你是在八点钟开始工作的吗? Where was it that you met him?你是在什么地方遇到他的? Why was it that he couldn't answer the question?他为什么不能回答这个问题?

  (二)假拟强调句 是一种主系表型的句子结构,它的两种形式:一是“what引导的从句+be+被强调的部分”,另一个是“被强调的部分+be+what引导的从句”。

  1.“what引导的从句+be+被强调的部分”。此句型中被强调的部分是句中的表语,它可以是动词不定式、动名词短语或名词。例如:What he could do was (to) wait for the arrival of the doctor.他能做的就是等大夫来。(动词不定式) What the professor has been doing for years is studying the subject.教授几年来干的事情就是研究这个问题。(动名词短语) What John wants is a ball.约翰想要的是球。(名词)

  2.“被强调的部分+be+what引导的从句”。此句型中被强调的部分是句中的主语。例如:A kite was what Bill made at school yesterday.比尔昨天在学校里制作的是一个风筝。


是一些倒装句,为了强调句中的某一成分,或者用来描绘动作,抒发情感,或为保持句子的平稳而使用倒装句。例如:Never have I seen such a good film.我从来没看过这么好的电影。Only in this way can you learn English well.只有用这种方法才能学好英语。So easy was the task that they finished it in a few days.这项工作非常容易,他们几天就完成了。Such was my study plan.这就是我的学习计划。Buried in the sands was an ancient village.埋在沙土之中的是一个古老的村庄。



  今天有一个深大的师妹在Q上咨询了我一些申请出国读研的东西, 末了, 她对我说: “师兄, 我发现现在华康主持英语角做得越来越好了, 在台上越来越镇定沉着了.” 我听了打心里感到高兴, 然后对她说: “希望你们以后多多支持他, 我也相信他会越做越好的!” 这是我第二次听到别人赞扬华康越做越好了, 而再也没有人向我反映问题了. 我真的感到很高兴, 因为我明白我当初没有选错接班人, 虽然从一开始我已经坚信我没有选错.

  经济学院的英语角当初是我经历了很多困难创办的, 我也主持了近三年了. 当初创办时经历了很大的阻力, 然而万幸的是当时有一位同班同学支持帮助我, 她叫方竹静. 现在我依然记得那时她和我去教务处和那个老师理论的情景. 其实当时被教务处拒绝以后, 我几乎想放弃, 然而正是因为她的鼓励与帮助, 我坚持到底, 最后终于成功了. 虽然她后面参加英语角的次数不多, 但是她对英语角, 也就是现在的商务英语协会的贡献是不可磨灭的. 似乎每个参加过英语角的同学都只记得我, 而不记得其他默默为它作贡献的人. 除了方竹静同学以外, 还有好一些英语角的管理员们也值得我们表达谢意. 虽然他们坚持的时间有长有短, 但是不可置疑的是, 他们都曾经为英语角做过贡献, 所以在此我向他们表达深深的谢意!

  我对英语角的感情是很深沉的, 大概是因为它是我创办的而且我一直坚持了这么久. 至今为止, 我还经常听一些在院办兼职的师弟师妹们说, 那里的老师时不时会提起我, 特别是乐小芳老师, 居然在她带的09级的班会里表扬我, 想起来真的让我无比动容. 昨天发了一个自己做的调查问卷的链接到群里, 本以为大家都讨厌做问卷, 所以估计完成率会不高. 但是出乎我意料的是, 到今天为止,据我的同学统计, 一共收到了超过200份的回执. 做好的同学, 认识和不认识的, 都发了一封邮件给我, 告知我他们帮我做好了问卷, 并且对我说: 师兄不用谢我, 你以前在英语角为我们付出了太多了, 现在帮你做点小事是应该的. 看到这些话我真的.有一种想落泪的的冲动. 看着邮箱里N个未读邮件, 我忍不住笑了一下. 原来感动可以如此的简单容易!

  今年5月底, 当主持完最后一次BEC英语角以后, BEC中级就要考试了. 大家考完以后, 英语角的闭幕式也就到来了. 依然记得闭幕式当晚, 课室里可谓 “高朋满座”. 那晚是我最后一次主持深大的英语角了, 因为我七月就要毕业离开深大了. 所以当晚很多人来了, 同时我也度过了我人生最难忘的一个晚上. 依旧激情洋溢地在讲台上发言, 然而心里却多了几分落寞, 几分不舍. 当晚收到了很多礼物, 有鲜花, 有相册, 有一支超级大铅笔, 有贺卡, 有书, 有大家联合写的祝福卡片…….当我在异国失落时, 我会忍不住再看当晚的视频, 然后我的内心就会更加平静, 对自己也更有信心! 我想, 在深大我可以自豪地行走, 在这里, 我一样可以!

  不过, 再怎么不舍, 我终究还是要离开深大, 离开英语角. 很早之前我心中已经有了接班人选, 他就是华康. 认识他两年多了, 他每周英语角都是必到的. 英语角过后我们也有很多交流. 我几乎可以说是见证了他大学英语学习之路. 我记得当时他大一刚来英语角时, 我对他没有什么印象. 然而由于他后面每次必到, 我也就渐渐认识他了. 实话说他刚开始口语并不太好, 可能由于学习的时间尚短吧. 但是比起他的同龄人, 他还是占据上风的. 后来我们认识了以后, 我渐渐地发现了他学习英语的热情非同一般. 经常清晨七点来钟我们会在桂庙通道碰面, 我是去文科楼晨读, 他是去文山湖晨读. 我们经常探讨一些学习方法以及问题. 从他身上我仿佛看到了当年自己的影子. 这也就是我后面为什么不遗余力地帮助他的原因, 因为我自己本身也被他的热情所感染与折服.

  人必自助, 然后天助之. 既然他有这个热情与决心, 我也很乐意助他成功. 所以在后面我鼓励他参加BEC的考试, 并且推荐书给他, 中间也给了他不少指导. 虽然我很忙, 但是在他冲刺阶段我还是陪他练了好几次BEC口语. 我们在练习时被其他一些同样考BEC的师弟师妹看到了, 结果他们在QQ上发信息给我, 半开玩笑地抱怨我不公平, 说他们平时连电话也不敢和我聊久怕耽搁我的时间, 但是华康却得到我这么多的眷顾. 我当时就和他们半开玩笑地说: “我和华康结拜成兄弟了, 所以对他特别好.” 结果他们也说要和我结拜, 弄得我笑了好一阵. 最后华康终究没有辜负我的期望, 不仅连续通过了BEC中高级的考试, 还取得了好成绩.

  毫无疑问, 在我离开深大前, 我已经打算将英语角交给华康弄的了, 这也是他一直渴望的. 因为英语角是一个非常好的平台, 在英语角当主持不仅是对心理素质和能力的巨大挑战, 同时也是拓展人脉, 强化交际能力和领导能力的绝佳渠道, 所以当时有不少英语厉害的师弟师妹找我, 想问一下我他们有没有机会. 他们当中有一些是来自外国语学院的. 就连院办的一位老师也向我推荐一个师弟. 然而我通通都拒绝了, 我和那个老师说我的心中已有人选了. 他听了也没有介怀, 说尊重我的选择. 当然这一切我都没有和华康说过, 一来我没有时间和他多谈这些, 二来我也不想他为这些事情分心, 我只是一直叫他好好看我是平时是怎么弄的, 以后就要交给他了. 当我对一些曾经的英语角管理员以及一些经常参加英语角的人说我要选华康做主持. 他们不少人好像也不太赞成, 他们总的意见是 :华康一上台就紧张, 没有那个镇定和大气. 然而我想, 谁可以天生就可以在讲台上沉着镇定地发言? 谁可以天生就有让人信服的领导组织才能? 这一切本身就是需要长期锻炼才可以形成的. 我刚开始弄英语角也出现了不少问题, 现在不也好好的?所以我最后还是力排众议,让他上位.我这样做并不是任人唯亲,我是完全相信凭着他的热情, 再经历一段时间的磨练,他会做好的!



     都柏林大学 赖小琪

  Journal Article Review

  ----On “Ahoy There! Toward Greater Congruence and Synergy between International Business and Business Ethics Theory and Research”.


  With the trend of globalization, more and more multinational enterprises emerge, which has brought about many issues of international ethics that goes beyond traditional domestic corporate ethics. This journal article review will firstly give a brief summary of the article “Ahoy There! Toward Greater Congruence and Synergy between International Business and Business Ethics Theory and Research”, and then further analyze its positive and negative sides and brief the reasons why I choose to write a review on this article based on the issues discussed in it. Finally, the review will end with a conclusion.

  Summary of the Article:

  The past literatures of business ethics (BE) and international business (IB) have generally had little influences on each other. However, in the author’s point of view, with the trend of globalization deepening, a lot of newly-emerging factors such as the decline of nation states power, the emergence of non-governmental organizations, etc, have demonstrated that BE and IB, instead of being two totally different disciplines, are indeed correlated.

  The author first of all points out a “cruel fact” that although a great many business ethics issues deal with international business and multinational enterprises, the two disciplines, BE and IB, seldom study the issues in each other’s field. Also a great number of published articles were related to IB, while only a tiny proportion of them dealt with ethics. After pointing out this phenomenon, the author claims that IB and BE are actually engaging each other: while IB research can help to inform how BE scholars approach some international business issues, BE research can also contribute to IB research.

  To justify his point, the author firstly elaborates on the changing institutional context of global business and points out several key specific institutional trends: the decline in political power of the nation states, the transformation of the responsibilities, roles and the structure of MNCs, the rise of the no-governmental organization and the proliferation of self-regulatory organizations. Then the author moves on to elaborate on the implications of the changing institutional context for global business on BE and IB scholarship by discussing such relevant issues as MNC legitimacy and accountability, cross-culture values and norms, theory development related to nature of the multinational enterprise and dialectics of globalization. Finally, the author concludes the article by further emphasizing there are a number of aspects in which IB and BE can mutually inform each other and suggesting a field of inquiry where IB and BE scholars could jointly benefit from cooperatively venturing into new fields of empirical analysis and conceptual advancement.

  Critiques on the Article:

  Positive Sides:

  (1)The author constructively and successfully points out that there is a close relationship between IB and BE. In the past, scholars in each field merely focused on their own field, either IB or BE, without combining them together to see a certain issue, which may result in limited vision and insight.

  (2)The author can view the problem from a time-changing perspective. He explains how BE and IB are engaging each other by reviewing the changing institutional context of global business and its implications. Moreover, he manages to identify common concerns for BE and IB from the changing institutional landscape and suggest ways in which IB and BE could better inform each other.

  (3)In the course of his discussion and analysis of some theory and points, the author knows to use some typical examples that can not only throw light upon his points, but can also tell the readers some facts and realities that deserve our contemplation, such as the issues of “sweatshop” labor and internet censorship.

  (4)From this article, readers can not only learn the tight relationship between IB and BE, but also learn the relationship among IB, BE and other disciplines such as sociology, philosophy, etc, though the latter relationship in the article is not as clear as the former. From an international business manager’s perspective, by reading this article, he can further strengthen his notion that to be a successful IB manager, one must have a broad knowledge related extensively to various fields and disciplines. Also, he will have a better understanding of ethics issues in the context of global business and know how to deal with them effectively to a certain extent.

  Negative Sides:

  (1)Though pointing out there is a close relationship between IB and BE, the author did not further elaborate explicitly on how the two disciplines can better engage each other. The whole article mainly focuses on explain the existence of this relationship instead of instructing the readers how to “build up” this relationship.

  (2)Quite a large proportion of the statements in the article are coming from the past literatures, though they are in good order in terms of explaining certain issues. The author’s own elucidation is rare, which to some extent indicates a lack of uniqueness and self-proposed insight.

  (3)When proposing some issues or concepts, the author merely explains its meaning without providing some practical methodologies to tackle the issues or achieve the goal. For example, when mentioning “cross-convergence”, there is only the definition and explanation of it. the author did not tell readers how to realize this convergence.

  (4)Though there is abundant content in the article that can facilitate the readers’ understanding and broaden their horizon, the article may involve too many things and aspects that may distract and confuse the readers from the main topic it intends to convey. Maybe if the author stays focused on some key aspects, the reader can better understand what he would like to demonstrate.

  Reasons of Choosing This Article:

  After I finished reading this article, I just had an impulse to talk with the author. Why? I have been holding a belief that IB should not be singled out from some other subjects like finance and accounting. What I say here does not mean that we should combine all these subjects as one. What I truly emphasize is that we should know the close relationship among subjects and know to enhance our professional capability by learning more about other subjects. My viewpoint is exactly similar to that of the author, though he attaches greater emphasis to the relationship between IB and BE. From my viewpoint, on top of mastering abundant international business management knowledge, a successful IB manager should have a broad scope of knowledge related extensively to finance, accounting, sociology, etc, which can help him make better informed decision. The author demonstrates the same philosophy on the relationship of different disciplines with mine. That is one of the reasons why I would choose to write the review on this article.

  Another reason is that the author mentions some ethical issues worldwide, which leads me to think about the situation in China, my motherland. I will spontaneously compare what the author says in the article with what it is like in China. I will think about the reasons behind some phenomena, which is helpful for me to get a better understanding of the issues in the context of different countries, especially in my home country.


  In conclusion, this journal article gives us a better insight into the relationship between IB and BE, which can motivate scholars in these two disciplines to further study some issues by retorting each other’s knowledge and theories.



  Jonathan Doth, Bryan W. Husted, Dirk Matten and Michael Santoro(20xx), Ahoy There! Toward Greater Congruence and Synergy between International Business and Business Ethics Theory and Research, Business Ethics Quarterly (July, 20xx)

  Brian J. Hurn(20xx), Ethics in International Business, Industrial and Commercial Training, page 347-354 ( July,20xx)


  【雅思口语】范例 Describe a good teacher

  Everyone may have many teachers in their life. Some may be helpful to him, while others may not. Here I would like to talk about my head teacher in my high school, Mrs. Hu. She is a middle aged woman in her forties. She has a very cute face and friendly to others. Everyone likes her at first sight.

  Mrs. Hu is very responsible for us. Every time when students in her class have troubles, she would be the first one there to offer help, so she is very busy and have less time to stay with her family.

  She is very skillful in her teaching and management of the class. She knows how to teach those naughty boys, how to arouse our interests in learning, and how to unite our class together. Being one of her students, we all feel proud

  She is very professional in teaching knowledge to students. She teaches politics in the high school, and it seems that she knows a lot about the situation in china and in the world. She likes to teach the knowledge by telling us stories and her own analysis. This helps us greatly in understanding the knowledge and remembering the facts.

  She is really a good teacher, friendly, responsible, skillful and professional. We all love her.











