

时间:2021-12-18 13:19:23 英语 我要投稿
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  I want to tell you something about my favourite of all the animals, i like giant pandas best.

  Giant pandas are beautiful black and white animal. when a giant panda was born, it looked like a white mouse and when it grows up, it looks like a bear. i think it looks lovely. it usually eats bamboo shoots and leaves. i hear that giant pandas ate meat long long ago but now they never eat meat. it lives in bamboo forests so it can climb trees. i like it because it can make me happy.

  Many people say china is famous for the dragon, but i don't think so. i think china is famous for giant pandas. the chinese government often sends one or two giant pandas to the other countries as a present. this year, the chinese government sent two giant pandas-- tuantuan and yuanyuan to taiwan. they live in the zoo now and they are popular and welcome in taiwan. a lot of tourists to taiwan would like to go and see them.

  But the number of giant pandas is getting smaller and smaller. many hunters kill them for their fur and farmers change the nature reserves to make more farmlands. i think giant pandas need our help. we should take actions to protect animals. encouraging hunters and farmers to leave reserves is the most important. though i'm still a student, i can write to newspapers and magazines about protecting animals. i hope animals can live a happy life.


  My favourate animal is panda. i think panda is the cutist animal in the world. It has black and white fur and especially it have black fur around eyes which looks like wear a pair of sunglasses. Panda likes banboo shoots and leaves a lot. I saw panda ate apply and cakes in Zoo before, but I know in nature world they would not eat these things. Now almost everyone in the world love panda, but only China has panda. So as a Chinese I feel proud to be born in a country has panda.


  大熊猫(学名:Ailuropoda melanoleuca),一般称作“熊猫”,是世界上最珍贵的动物之一,数量十分稀少,属于国家一级保护动物,体色为黑白相间,被誉为“中国国宝”。大熊猫是中国特有种,属熊科,现存的主要栖息地在中国四川、陕西等周边山区。全世界野生大熊猫现存大约1590只左右。成年熊猫长约120~190厘米,体重85到125公斤,适应以竹子为食的生活。大熊猫憨态可掬的可爱模样深受全球大众的喜爱,在1961年世界自然基金会成立时就以大熊猫为其标志,大熊猫俨然成为物种保育最重要的.象征,也是中国作为外交活动中表示友好的重要代表。

  中文学名: 大熊猫

  拉丁学名: Ailuropoda melanoleuca,英文名:Panda

  别称: 猫熊、竹熊,银狗,洞尕,杜洞尕,执夷,貊,猛豹,食铁兽

  二名法: Ailuiopodidae melanoleuca

  界: 动物界

  门: 脊索动物门(Phylum Chordata)

  亚门: 脊椎动物亚门(Vertebrata)

  纲: 哺乳纲(Mammals)

  目: 食肉目(Carnivora)

  亚目: 犬型亚目(Caniformia)

  科: 熊科(Ursidae)

  亚科: 熊猫亚科(Ailuropodinae)










